Take A Break

The power of imagination makes us infinite

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Rainy Day in Japan

Its another rainy day here and I have come to hate such days. Its just 5pm and the lights are already on. The sober weather seems to put off my mood too. The clothes on the line havent dried. And worst of all, me and my daughter are going to miss the evening walk to the park, yet again. Thats something we look forward to everyday, or atleast I look forward to. My 8 month old prefers the main road with the fast cars screeching on the concrete roads and huge lights of casinos blinking , to the more laid down and darker park.

There was a time though when I used to love rainy days. A time when I used to make excuses to get out of home and drench in the bangalore rain. A time when I loved the feeling of rain water running down my cheeks. A time when I used to love to see water drip from the curls on my forehead. The rains that used to start with the smell of mud and leave with the entire city washed of its impurities and greener. The rains then also meant the inevitable power cut which meant no TV and in turn gave us the time to sit on the balcony with family and sip a cup of hot coffee and munch hot bajjis.There was no worry that I could not go out and meet people because there were so many people around me, at home!! I remember I used to love to sit there on the balcony and look at people on the road rushing to get shelter from the rain. Some on bikes with their raincoats, and some drenching since they did not expect the rains. Some walking with umbrellas and how I used to love to look at the different kinds of umbrellas in different colours and be disappointed if the majority carried black umbrellas. All these seems like a distant past now though it was just 6 years ago. Just 6 years???

Here in japan, there are no impurities to be washed away by the rain and the city always looks green, rain or no rain. And umbrellas are a thing of fashion here and you can see them in all the wonderful colours of the rainbow and more. But there are no people drenching as they didnt expect the rains, since the weather forecast is the world's best. There is no smell of mud, because there is no mud on the roads. There is a balcony and I am good at making coffee and bajjis, but my 8 month old cannot eat bajjis or drink coffee, and my husband would not return from office until its dinner time, and my parents and my brother and sister are thousands of miles away. But I guess I need to take solace in the fact that life has changed in the past 6 years and my family too would be cursing the rains now, as my brother,my dad and my sister would get stuck in the traffic jam caused by the overflowing potholes and my mother would not enjoy coffee and bajjis alone.

My daughter says "Enough of taking a break, Can I have my solids for the evening please!!"


I own a piece of blog in this vast world wide web!!

I finally created my blog after a lot of thought and somehow overcoming the apprehensions of my thoughts being made public. And yes, I named it "Take a Break", in the sense that I can blog only when I get a break. Break from what??? From the chores of being a mother of an 8 month old!!